Category: H.o.p. art

  • Promoing H.o.p.’s blog and his "Haunt of the House of Death!" audio

    Feb raced by in the way that March is now doing. I suppose I got something done other than bookshelves. Worked on the book some. Got up H.o.p.’s own blog which is good for a couple of reasons. One, it’s all his own words, what he wants to blog about, and at his own speed.…

  • Why do I always think of Young Life when I meditate a moment on "The Blob"?

    Puppet Maker’s Hand, 2006 H.o.p. trying his hand again at making paper mache puppets the other day, which didn’t turn out so well and he decided it was too much work. But I did get this picture and liked the way there was an ungooped spot on his hand where you could see the flour/salt…

  • Gack. Trials and tribulations of 2D animation software are just beginning

    Taught H.o.p. the Base 2 mathematical system Monday using “The Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat” for introduction only. Penrose the cat certainly opened the door to his being inteested but it wasn’t thorough enough. H.o.p. was all excited about the idea of a cat that could do math and then I had to burst…

  • Silly Wooden Models, by H.o.p.

    OK, now this one…this one is worthy. And it’s funny, at least to me, the end is. Cracks me up every time. H.o.p. had seen these wooden artist models last spring or winter at IKEA and he had to have them. He decided this was what he needed to start practicing stop animation. But then…

  • The Boogie Man Monster, by H.o.p.

    So, H.o.p. shot thousands of pics over the summer for uhm stop animation, and I say “Uhm, stop animation” because it all turned out to be slide shows, really. At spring’s end he had done, for a kid, this major opus of a stop animation. And then suddenly he went Lego crazy and after viewing…

  • Pretty good memorizing and drawing of skulls

    Smithsonian can be a great place to visit online with H.o.p., so Friday after a difficult time with math we went to Campfire Stores with George Catlin. H.o.p. liked Peter Matthiesson’s introduction and wanted to listen to it several times, and at his request we listened several times to Peter Nabakov talking about Sacred Geography…

  • Little bitty flower sort of animation

    Below is a little-bitty sort-of animation H.o.p. did at the beginning of the summer. He is still not producing enough frames for anything. Because he didn’t have enough frames I helped him with fading inbetween shots to sort of make up for it. This basically shows he knows from where plants come. From the ground.…

  • Success! Accomplished something this week!

    Success! Well, something of note accomplished this week. Got H.o.p.’s new-old (my old one) computer up and running and pretty much all spic and span ready for him. Powerful enough (for now) for what he’s doing. Kind of. Maybe. We’ll see. Poor kid needs a new monitor. His is making click click click sounds now…

  • Should I feel guilty about not seeing the point in making a rain gauge?

    Damn it’s the end of August already. I want a vacation! We knew one wouldn’t be happening in September this year though so I’ve committed us to some acting classes for H.o.p. He’s not interested in acting but he’s interested in the process. Kind of. He is looking forward to it. I think he has…

  • Oooo, Elmo!

    A cute little stop motion movie H.o.p. did of Elmo giving Marty a kiss.

  • H.o.p. gets to see a bit of a movie being filmed

    So H.o.p. got tonight to see a little of what it’s like when a movie is being filmed. The movie is “One Missed Call”, directed by Eric Valette (French, don’t know anything about him). It’s a remake of a Japanese horror film where people receive voicemails from the future which include the time of their…

  • The Child Experiments with Being a Robot, 2006

    The Child Experiments with Being a Robot, 2006

    The Child Experiments with Being a Robot, 2006 View On White